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Sheldon Loyola

The Art of Storytelling

Sheldon Loyola works with visuals and words to capture imaginations and ignite conversations. From the mundane to the extraordinary, every moment holds a story waiting to be told. We'll explore how to spot these hidden gems, capturing the essence of the everyday and turning it into narrative gold. But the most powerful story you can tell is your own.

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Rajeev Prakash


Discover the art of elegant penmanship in our hands-on workshop where traditional techniques meet contemporary creativity with a renowned Type Designer, “Rajeev Fontwala”

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Meerak Hang Subba

Bike Styling

Meerak Hang Subba, Motorcycle Designer at Tork Motors Pvt Ltd. The entire course would be an introduction to how actual work happens in the ID industry after academics is over.

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Margie Sastry

Ek aur Anek

Margie Sastry is a writer, editor, translator, researcher and teacher with over 4 decades of experience in the creative landscape. Communicating an idea across various media- Ek Vichar, Anek Upchar. Understanding how each medium, old and new has its own style, demands and skillset requirements. This workshop will help students polish and hone our communication skills.

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Saurabh Singanapalli & Azeemah Saleem

Adaptation into Visual Media

Saurabh Singanapalli is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Communication and Critical Thinking at JKLU. This workshop undertakes critical analyses of several different kinds of adaptations, primarily in the fields of film, drama, television, and graphic novels. Useful for those interested in literary adaptations and intertextuality and who intend to pursue a career in media criticism or adaptation studies, or those desiring to produce or create adaptations of their own.

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Jinal Doshi & Joseph Rajini Asir

Collaborative Perceptions

Jinal Doshi, Co-founder OJI Story, Design Lead & Researcher. Joseph Rajini Asir, Co-founder OJI Story. Collaborative perceptions combines art, design and human behaviour to help groups to come together and build a common body of work. Designers are needed to interact with all departments and arrive at effective solutions for problems across the organisation.

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Baarish Date & Priyanka

Branding and Wayfinding

Co-founders at Graphics Beyond, a branding and signage design firm based in Mumbai.The firm has worked on various projects including the signage system of IIT Bombay and is currently working on the signage for Ayodhyam. Wayfinding design is not just about directing, guiding or informing people, but it has a multifaceted role of capturing and reflecting the spirit of the place, connecting people to the place and enhancing their journeys.

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